Monday, March 12, 2012

Seeing is Believing

After realizing that there is enough time in the day to ride BOTH girls I have taken on the task of actually doing it :) I had great rides on Thursday and Friday the girls got off as it was date night with the boy. So Saturday we went to the barn because it was beautiful weather! After a quick walk with the dogs, Keith and I venture out to grab the girls. I get Lily and he gets his favorite Pickles <3 Groomed away as their hair is coming out in clumps from the weather changing and then tacked up Lily to go ride.

Now it has been quite some time since I have actually had a trainer. Honestly probably Hollins is the last time I took an actual lesson to work on me and my position and all the technical things that go along with riding. I have taken her to D John's a handful of times in the past two years for problems I have been running into but never the work of an actual lesson. They had been more of a this is how you fix this problem and here are some exercises to take home for your tool belt. So I don't really get to hear or see any progress that I have made or even if we are heading in the right direction.

So I was fortunate enough to ride when Michelle was riding and she videos her rides!!!! So I actually got to see what Lily and I look like. I was so pleased with what I saw :) We had a major break through in getting her to step up and use herself the other week when I applied my outside aids more than I normally do. I have to defiantly hold her through everything or else I just end up pushing her out with no support. So after a nice warm up I worked on having her really hold herself and step up into a Nice big trot. I usually post but find that if I sit she has more loft and impulsion from my seat and leg. So I would really drive her for one side of the arena and then let it go. It was so awesome so be able to see what I need to improve on and what I am feeling actually looks good!

So I am really excited to see the results from the past 2 years. Lily has really turned out to be a nice horse and I hope to continue to make the progress we have made each day. I am thinking that I might go out and get my own video camera so that I can tape myself more often and monitor the progress that I am making. ALSO on another note....Seeing myself on camera I am not as much of a chunk as I thought I was!!!!

1 comment:

  1. I recognize that picture!!! Hey, don't you know you HAVE to post video if you mention's a BLOG LAW ;-)
