Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Back on track...

So I love how I can read others blogs for hours but never find time to post about my own. I have started posting them to FB and it is funny because the things that I vent about or realize on this translate to others who might be going through the same things. So besides it being an important avenue for me to let everything out I might find that there are others out there going through the same things....

After a weekend of doing everything none horse related including going to a drag race with the boy, and taking Monday off to help a friend who just lost her mother, Tuesday crept up and I realized I hadn't seen the ponies since THURSDAY! Well Pickles had a spell of not feeling to well on Sunday so I ran by for a brief moment but I hadn't done much more than shove a cookie in their faces and went about my merry way to clean my house...

So Tuesday night rolls around and I am expecting wild ponies from the Amazon so I plan to do groundwork in the indoor since the ring is still a bit wet and well it was dark and kinda windy and well I wanted to do both ponies and didnt want to tack up...excuses, excuses. So I get Miss Lily out and I can already tell she is on her A game. All attention on me! I go back to basics and get the carrot stick out and do the Parelli games because sometimes it is good to go through everything and not just new stuff. She did great and we went over them for about 20 minutes breaking loose and moving correctly. I get the wild hair to do side passes down the wall to make it easier for me and to really make her perform the movement. WOW! Apparently she was not as supple and relaxed as I thought. Her feet were stumbling and she couldn't get in a good rhythm or coordinate at all. She got super frustrated and a bit anxious. So I backed off pushing so much and changed direction and we started again. This time I let her figure out where her feet were and she lifted through her shoulder and back and started to soften. I did it about 2 more times each way and then hopped on bareback and toodled for another 10 minutes. It was great to find a problem and fix it in a matter of 15 minutes!

Had the same game plan for Pickles but well she is such a pro at all the groundwork she was doing it before I even got the chance to ask. Silly pony :) So I free lunged her for about 10 minutes and then hopped on and cantered around for a couple of times and then called it a night. I have been trying to lease her out because I just don't have time for both. And I have a sneaking suspicion that Miss Picks would really enjoy a little girl to tote around. She is a sassy pony but a good sassy.

Michelle and I discussed going to some CHSC shows and doing some jumping. I am so impatient that I suggested even though Lily is a hunter that we go first thing in the morning and do the jumpers (as hunters) because the classes I would show in are the last of the day. I am just not good at waiting around the show all day so I would rather just go get experience and go slow then do the whole tied to a trailer for the day non-sense. So there is a PHJA and CHSC in April and we will shoot for one or both of those depending on if I can stick to getting out to the barn :)

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