Monday, February 27, 2012

Did I lose focus?

So ever since moving the ponies to their new barn and getting my new boy I find myself not going out to the barn every single day. I have been enjoying other things in life that I was unable to because I was always in a self care situation or running around getting grain, hay or feeding, cleaning stalls etc. So lately I have been feeling kind of guilty for not going out the 7 days a week that I used to. Now I go out about 4 to 5 times a week and somedays I ride and somedays I don't.

I feel as though maybe I have lost my focus or maybe need to set goals to get back on track...or do I? I have not been this content with thing in a while. Sure there are bad things that happen daily with work or one of the ponies being naughty, but overall life is good. I want to show but really don't have to show. So when I ride I work on different things with the girls but we really don't have a "direction". I know I want to just do the hunters with Lily and maybe do the Ark series with Pickles but other than that I really don't have the desire to show big like I did two years ago. I am really not sure why now....

I constantly question why this change has happened and maybe it is a good thing. Before my life was horses 24/7 and now my life is well my life. I have wonderful friends that I get to hang out with and go bowling and out to eat and on trips with. I don't fret or worry about the horses needing something because Michelle takes care of everything. I have focused more on work and growing in my career, but still I feel a twinge of guilt for not being at the barn ALL the time. Maybe it will pass with time and I truly will jut get to enjoy my horses as I have been. I guess my devotion 24/7 doesn't mean I don't love the big girls, it is just I found more to love outside of the barn.

Maybe once it warms up I will revert back to my old ways of being a barn brat, but for now I will be content with what I have :)

Monday, February 13, 2012

Times Flies

So things have been going great with the ponies and it is funny how much life changes as you go through it. I used to spend countless hours at the barn on the weekends or running around doing errands for the ponies. Well since I have taken the step to full boarding my life has become full of other things that I enjoy just as much as the ponies.

I go out to the barn every night during the week unless there is something super pressing that I must attend to. Keith heads out there with my each night and has completely taken over Pickles and the two of them couldn't be happier. Having help withe girls has been amazing because I no longer feel as though someone is getting the short end of the stick. He has been learning everything from the ground up and it really makes a difference in how he interacts with the horses! They got Thursday through Sunday off and then this week I go out of town for 3 nights! I am hoping Keith will be able to get out to the barn and mess with the ponies some to make sure that they don't think I have abandoned them.

Although I am not riding every night they at least get lunged or ground work for 20 to 30 minutes. I think it is good for their brain to take breaks and do some new and interesting stuff rather than go round and round with me asking for them to bend and flex and do this and that. More so playing with me in the arena and learning desired tricks (such as lead changes). The girls are getting fit and I hope by March I can get to a show :)

I went to my first Ark eventing show. I must say I  think that I would be able to it with Pickles. The Intro dressage tests looked like a piece of cake and the 2' jumps were not that scarey. Keith, Daphne, Ramona and I all went to support Jessica Wilson and Athena. They did such a wonderful job and I am so proud of them. It is so hard to break a horse yourself and realize the milestones you make.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

So there's this girl....

So today has been a crapshoot kinda day and I am majorly PMSing so it is not strange for random things to annoy me. I am not sure why really but the new Admin person that started this week  keeps wanting to eat lunch with me. I only take 15 minutes because if I take longer well it is hard for me to get back to the grind. First two days were fine but for some reason I just don't want to have lunch with her. Anyone who knows me realizes I am very bad at just saying what is on my mind. So I tried to avoid her today by eating at a different time. Well she found me....

Usually I can talk for hours to a wall but I have no interest in this girl at all. I don't wanna hear about her kids or her husband or where she came from or what she is doing. Hell I don't even want to talk about myself or my 4 legged kids. Not really sure what the heck is going on... So I am debating moving to the other break room to eat lunch or eat at my desk. I think some of it stems from missing Tracy. I just haven't been the same since she left and I would rather sit by myself then with anyone else. I am sure I will get over it but for now it is bothering me...