Thursday, October 27, 2011

15 Minutes of Fabulous?

The barn last night was packed full of well packing for the move Friday and getting the girls out and still making them move their feet even though I am not riding them. I got most of my things together and in the trailer, minus some hay and heavier stuff that I didnt want to carry all the way over to the trailer.

I went and caught both of the girls and stuck Pickles in the stall to eat and cross tied Lily and got to grooming on her and then realized Pickles had some crud and I needed to give her a bath in Microtek. So after she finished eating I grabbed her real quick and hosed and scrubbed the crud while Lily waited and then threw her back in the stall.

Okay so the good part....I took Lily out to do some ground work and lunge and after streching for a bit we get to work. I have always teetered on the theory that if they are being good you shouldnt push it too far. So after about 15 minutes of her being FABULOUS I debate working her more or ending. I decided to end on the fact that she did her ground work and streches great, trotted over the cavelettis and really used herself and then we worked on a bit of cantering over a raised pole. Pickles apparently got the memo and was just as wonderful!

So here comes to the question " Do we stop fifteen minutes of fabulous or settle for an hour of okay?" I have always been one to end on good notes but sometimes I find my horses not being fit enough. So I have begun trying to formulate a way to keep them fit but no push their button excessively. I know there are things to work one but I have always had success with baby steps and one day at a time. I read about my friends who push and push but it seems they always backfire becaues they strive for too much and are not happy with the moment of perfection.

Food for thought....

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Oh Ramona Quimby....

Last night I was bound and determined to get both the girls worked. I got off at 4:30 and sped down 74 (haha yeah right) to get home, change and loaded the little girls up in the car and headed out to the barn. Got there around 6:15 which I knew would give me a chance to get both of them worked but maybe not ridden. So I opted for groundwork/lunging and that way each of them could get groomed and loved on equally. I am not sure why I make it such a point to spend equal time with the girls because they don't know the difference but I honestly feel guilty if one gets more than the other....

We (me,Daphne and Ramona)wander up to the girls pastures and both Pickles and Lily come trotting up to the gates nickering and happy to see me :) I grab them both and head to the barn where I stick Ms Picks in Lily's stall to eat dinner and put Lily in the grooming area, get her spotless and then head out with a pocketful of treats and lunge line. We do our basic stretches and ground work and then get to doing out Pilate's. I had a chiropractor come out and she informed me that raised pole cavalettis are awesome for strengthening their hind end equally. So I have 3 set up on the end of the ring that have 3 settings. I worked Lily over them for about 15 minutes raising the height and adjusting the stride to really make her reach and use herself. She did wonderful.

Everything was perfect with the exception of Ramona. She is such a little turd who stays right on the edge of my circle and moves when I move. I don't think either of the big girls would step on her but it still makes me nervous. I would stop and chase her and then she would come right back. So once we start cantering I keep having to stop to get Mo out of the way. So aggravating!!!!! I look to find Daphne and of course her perfect self is quietly sitting by the barrel jump out of the way watching. So I scold Mo one more time and canter Lily for a little more and retreat to the barn.

I switcharoo the girls and begin grooming on Picks. Ever since she has lived out her hair coat has gone to crap even being on rice bran. Not quiet sure what is going on but yesterday I discovered some fungus! I groomed and picked and got as much off as I could and I could tell she was sore in her back but wanted to get her out anyways. Took her out to the ring and she was super lazy....couldn't tell if she was sore or just off so I went through some exercises and she was off but not lame.  Mo again was always in the way. I popped her butt with the lunge line once and really hurt her feelings. I stopped what I was doing to regroup everyone and move the Frenchie herd out of harms way. I noticed Daph was limping and walked over to her and she had a sticker in her foot, and it was a good one. SO I dig my fingers in and get it attached to me and pull it out. She was such a good girl and jumped on me showering me with kisses. I get back to Pickles and try to canter a little but she just isn't feeling it. I think I am going to have the acupuncture vet come and do a session and see if it helps.

So if anyone wonders why I am always at the barn so long it is because my 30 minute lunge sessions turn into an hour chasing Mo, removing briar's and all sorts of other things. Looking forward to having company at the new barn :) and maybe investing in some training for Ramona....

Monday, October 24, 2011

New Beginnings

So after reading Becca's blog I decided maybe this is the blowing off steam that I need in life, because I have been so stressed lately that everyone hears the same story over and over so I won't make people listen but get it out there.

For the past 7 months I have bounced from barn to barn for one reason or another. First it was because I was part of a team that built a barn up from scratch and there were discrepancies on how it should be run (horse person vs. business person), the moved to a facility that was not quite big enough with zero turnout and a not so great riding arena, then I separated the girls and tried the two barns and I felt as though I was neglecting Pickles all the time and now I am moving yet again because the backyard barn I thought I loved is going to be run like business per the "barn manager". So after moving the girls countless times I begin to think its not the barns but me....

Am I that hard to deal with, and that unreasonable? I don't think so but maybe I'm wrong.

So here goes nothing! I am moving them farther than any other barn in one last ditch effort to find them a good fit. I know they will be taken care of regardless if I am there or not. And hopefully I won't be alone all the time as I have been with my last 3 barns. I just hope that these negative past experiences keep me expecting the worst and looking for something to go wrong. That hopefully this will be a new beginning and I can once again look forward to the barn and the people out there. I am drinking a big glass of optimism and pushing forward in hopes of success!