Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Busy Life...Neglected Blog

So I started this blog in an attempt to track my progress with my two horses and have left it to rot because well life happened. I guess I will give some quick background....I got Pickles as  companion pony for my older TB that I had gotten when i graduated from school. She was a scrawny, ugly, wormy yearling that I found at a sale for $100. Four years later she is the love of my life....There is nothing this pony won't do! I have never felt so safe on something in my entire life and boy there are days that she is so sassy I just don't know what to do! I am now having a complex because over the winter they had to stay in and she has begun to crib. Not horrible but enough to make me freak out. I have put more toys and licky things and salt blocks in her stall and I give her hay to keep her occupied but after she is done eating and playing she cribs. I am patiently waiting on a Miracle Collar to come in and we are going to try that.
Lilly is my coming 4 year old who has turned out to be better than i could have ever imagined....FANCY FANCY FANCY she is. I took her this past weekend for our 3rd real lesson and she is just amazing. There are still some things we need to work on before we head to the show ring but for the most part we are on the right track. I have a bunch of traveling to do for my job so she will get put on the back burner for the next 2 weeks but hopefully we will start back on track after that. I am going to make a riding calendar to help me stick to riding everyday and will hopefully bank enough money for weekly lessons! Maybe at the airport I can sit down and collect some more interesting topics of discussion!

Monday, February 7, 2011

For starters....

So maybe my friend Becca has it right to start tracking the progress that she makes with her ponies. Sometimes it is so easy to lose track of how far you come because you tend to always look forward to where you want to be and never back to where you start.

This will be the start of something that will be hopefully very beneficial in tracking the goals that me and my girls reach one day at a time!